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Finding Time to Take Care of Your Body

As a college student, it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to exercise. After high school, gyms and classes aren't as easily accessible and with assignments piling up, it can be hard to prioritize exercising over other things. Physical activity is an important factor in overall wellness. Setting up a schedule and setting aside a specific time each day for exercise can be helpful for many students as it gives them a time frame for everything they need to get done. 

Intense Training


Physical Activity has the ability to improve our health physically and mentally. Keeping your body active will help improve muscle strength, boost energy, and most importantly mental health. Nowadays, with so much going on in life it is hard to stay motivated. No matter your age, making changes to add fitness into your life will improve your quality of life.

Gym Equipments

Exercise can improve:

For many, the reason they tend to lose motivation is due to lack of time. The good thing is just a little bit of physical activity a day can make a difference. Working out 30-45 minutes a day can still be enough to see improvements in one's health. The more exercise you begin to do the more the body will begin to adapt. As it starts to become a habit, you can slowly be able to add intensity and extra time to your workouts.  It’s important to have some moderate physical activity a couple days out of the week.

·  A minimum of 45 minutes

·  At least twice a week

·  Cardio or weight training exercises

How much physical activity is enough ?

Different types of way to Exercise


  • Weight training

  • Running

  • Kickboxing

  • Swimming

  • Hiking

  • Zumba

  • Sports

Scientific Evidence 

In a Scientific study done in 2006, it was found that an increase in physical fitness will reduce the risk of premature deaths. While a decrease in physical activity will most likely increase the risk of premature deaths. One cohort study showed walking for at least 2 hours can reduce premature death by 39%-54% (Warburton, 2006). It was proven that both aerobic and strength training exercises have been shown to be associated with decreasing risk of type 2 diabetes and improving glucose homeostasis. These studies have shown evidence that regular physical activity can reduce cardiovascular diseases and premature deaths from happening in men and women. Therefore, it is important and beneficial to increase physical activity in order to improve one’s health status.

Ways to Say Active

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It's easier to stay motivated when working out with friends 

A great way to stay active is to set up a routine is to work out with your peers. Setting up a schedule and continuing to hold each other accountable will help the group stay motivated. 

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